대학교 소식

Taylor 영국 UWE, 호주 RMIT대 과정 재학생 소감

2008-11-23 12:00
1. Fan Jin Ting, China
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Accounting and Finance
University of the West of England, Bristol

Enrolling myself in the Accounting and Finance course provided by UWE is the best choice I have ever made. The assignments and presentations given are also all about creative-thinking and shaping you to become a good team player. I never knew I could gain so much more by just being friends with other foreign students.

2. Jonsen Kesuma,
Year 3 Semester 6,
Bachelor of Computer Science,
RMIT University
(from Indonesia)

When I decided to study in Malaysia, I was initially worried that I would not be able to fit in as an international student.On the contrary, I made a lot of friends here!Also, through the RMIT program, I have become a more mature and independent student, as the program is very hands-on, with lecturers who are very knowledgeable who are around to guide me.

3. Shaahid Ismail,
Year 2 Semester 4,
Bachelor of Information Technology,
RMIT University
(from Zimbabwe)

Being at Taylors College has provided me with the perfect opportunity to further my education, and to realize my dreams.I don’t think I would have had the same opportunity elsewhere.Overall, I have found the staff here to be extremely professional, and the college to be a fun place to learn.As an international student, I have found my experiences here so far to be one of the most memorable in my life.

I am indebted to the many tutors and lecturers here.Individually, I have found them to be very approachable, and they have always provided me with the necessary guidance whenever I needed it.It’s amazing to learn from people who have been to places where one day, I’d like to go.I would definitely recommend Taylors College to anyone interested in Computer Science and Information Technology.
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